Developing User-Friendly Data Dashboards to Reduce Traffic-Related Incidents and Enhance Traffic Safety Measures in New Jersey

CHOP HDV Case Study

HealthDataViz (HDV), a Sellers Dorsey Solution, worked with Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s (CHOP’s) NJ Safety and Health Outcomes (NJ-SHO) Center for Integrated Data and Center for Injury Research and Prevention (CIRP) to develop user-friendly dashboards that provide unparalleled access to crucial traffic safety information. These dashboards are the centerpiece of NJ-SHO Center for Integrated Data’s newly launched website,, and empower communities and policymakers with the necessary insights to implement effective traffic safety measures and reduce traffic-related incidents including injuries and fatalities. HDV’s partnership with the NJ-SHO Center for Integrated Data has revolutionized how traffic safety data is, analyzed, visualized, and shared in New Jersey.

Traffic safety remains a public health priority nationwide, including in New Jersey. CHOP’s NJ-SHO Center for Integrated Data provides valuable information about injuries and traffic safety, including various road users like cyclists and pedestrians, to stakeholders across the state. When they first approached HDV, CHOP’s NJ-SHO Center for Integrated Data needed assistance to share their innovative data warehouse with the public in a compelling, understandable way.

HDV helped CHOP’s NJ-SHO Center for Integrated Data achieve the following goals with the development and implementation of their user-friendly dashboards.

  1. Support safe transport for all people by encouraging data use and data sharing among stakeholders.
  2. Enable communities to use data visualizations to monitor traffic safety incidents and advocate for improvements by implementing traffic safety countermeasures.

CHOP and HDV created a comprehensive set of dashboards using Tableau that provide a unique window into traffic safety data by presenting the data based on where people live versus where the incidents occur. HDV created the dashboards through the following process:

  1. Discovery – HDV worked with the NJ government, law enforcement, researchers, and engineers to understand the needs of the client and the client’s audience.
  2. Design – HDV conducted high-fidelity drafting in Figma to understand the dashboard’s functionality.
  3. Data Development – HDV worked with CHOP to structure and aggregate the data for working in Tableau.
  4. Quality Assurance – HDV conducted usability tests, optimized the dashboards for mobile use, and worked with CHOP’s website vendor to ensure seamless implementation.
  5. Documentation – HDV developed a user-guide and technical document to define functionalities and explain the dashboard’s specifications and details.

HDV continues to provide ongoing technical support to CHOP’s NJ-SHO Center for Integrated Data.

The dashboards developed in partnership with HDV will help the state of New Jersey:

  • Drive research on traffic safety and its impact on health outcomes
  • Identify gaps and opportunities to improve traffic safety that can help
    • Reduce traffic-related injuries and fatalities
    • Address traffic-safety inequities that impact health outcomes
    • Ensure all people have access to safe transport including sidewalks, bus stops, intersections, and more.