Keeping Hope Alive: How Sellers Dorsey Helped St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children

Sellers Dorsey partnered with Drexel University to help keep the doors open of St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children (St. Chris), a hospital serving one of the most medically underserved neighborhoods in the nation.

Drexel acquired St. Chris out of bankruptcy, not fully understanding the complexities of owning a hospital and ensuring its financial viability. That’s when they turned to Sellers Dorsey for help.

“We knew we needed to bring in some additional expertise to help us navigate the landscape and work with the various tools available publicly to draw down resources,” says David Wilson, Vice President of Government and Community Relations for Drexel University.

Working collaboratively with Drexel, Sellers Dorsey helped uncover funding that was critical to keeping the doors of St. Chris open. “Sellers Dorsey brought so much knowledge to the table. We were able to uncover resources we never would’ve even thought to take advantage of,” says David. “They speak a language that I don’t speak. When that person standing beside you is one of the experts from Sellers Dorsey, I feel like there’s nothing we can’t figure out or handle.”

Thanks to the continued partnership between Sellers Dorsey and Drexel University, the doors to St. Chris continue to stay open, ensuring vulnerable children and families have access to quality healthcare.

“We see a future that’s very bright,” says David. “It is only because of our relationship with Sellers Dorsey, that we can navigate many ups and downs and we feel so confident in the future of St. Chris. You walk into St. Chris and there’s so much hope, and we share that hope because of Sellers Dorsey.”

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