Medicaid GME

Realizing Opportunity in Medicaid GME and Beyond

Seller Dorsey recognizes the need for funding to support the critical teaching role of safety-net hospitals. We have successfully designed and implemented targeted Medicaid GME supplemental payment programs for providers in line with the objectives of Medicaid programs in multiple states.

Addressing Funding Gaps and Promoting Workforce Development

With our deep expertise in Medicaid financing, we work with provider clients on enhanced payment programs through all stages – from design to approval to implementation – to expand access to care and better serve Medicaid populations.

Building Impactful Medicaid GME Supplemental Payment Programs

We partner with our clients to tackle their most critical issues. Our insight and hands-on approach are key to:

  • Examining existing Medicaid policy to identify opportunities.
  • Designing and securing CMS approval for programs.
  • Increasing support for providers.
  • Improving health outcomes for patients.

Recent Success with Enhanced Medicaid GME Funding

Sellers Dorsey partnered with 13 members of a safety net hospital association in a southern state to design and implement an Indirect Medical Education supplemental payment program, which was approved by CMS and successfully implemented. Now in its fourth program year of operation, it has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in support of providers, the health care workforce, and communities they serve.

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Meet Our Team
Our team of former Medicaid directors, managed care executives, health system leaders, and government affairs professionals makes us well positioned to help our clients and the communities they serve.